We have read him books about being empathic, being kind, not bullying etc.; we

Hacker parvej
6 min readNov 24, 2020

Creating a user interface for a Python project is seamless with Streamlit, a relatively new browser-based Python framework that lets you elegantly showcase a project without writing any HTML, CSS, or Javascript code.

This child has never gone without. He’s always been fortunate to have everything he needs and wants. We go out of our way to ensure he is happy and has all that he wishes for while also maintaining a sense of balance with not giving him everything. However, he doesn’t seem to care.

Note: If your python dependencies require OS-level packages you may need to add a packages.txt file to your repository. For example, using the OpenCV Python library with Streamlit requires the host server to install ffmpeg.

In previous articles, we built a simple maze-solver app. In short, it allows users to upload an image of a maze and it shows a solution. A few of the Streamlit features used to facilitate user interaction are:

In this lesson, we quickly deployed a Python project for free using Streamlit Sharing. You can view the final, deployed app here as well as all of the source code on Github.
I also try to show him how important it is to help others out to give back. We usually make goodie bags for homeless people, and when we are out and about, we hand them out. We’ve explained why we do these things and what it means to the homeless people. However, our child seems to not like this. He will say stuff like, “They look gross they need a bath!” Or “Why do they get those granola bars and not me!” He has plenty, of and we try to remind him of that when he says stuff like this. Homeless people need our help too, and we have enough, so we can and should help.
To learn more about the algorithm behind the maze solver, or how to use Streamlit to create a friendly web interface using very few lines of Python code, check out Parts I and II of this series.

I don’t write this complain or to spin a “woe is me” yarn. Command at any level is a serious undertaking, but it’s also an extreme privilege. Successfully finishing this tour is the highlight of my professional life, and I’ll always be grateful for having had the opportunity to lead this team. But…. there’s a side to it more of us need to consider and discuss.I’m sharing this now because I don’t think I’m the only one who’s experienced it. I’m sharing this now because somewhere there’s a lieutenant (or a commander) who needs to set aside their pride and find someone to talk to. I hope I can be that for someone — you know how to reach me.Post Script: Much of the commentary and discussion spurred along by this essay has focused on self-harm or suicide. I think it’s important to clarify a point here: I’ve never considered hurting myself. There’s a wide gap between struggling to be the best versions of ourselves and ending our lives — I was never there, but that doesn’t mean the challenges I described above dont merit awareness, recognition, and attention.

Post Script: Much of the commentary and discussion spurred along by this essay has focused on self-harm or suicide. I think it’s important to clarify a point here: I’ve never considered hurting myself. There’s a wide gap between struggling to be the best versions of ourselves and ending our lives — I was never there, but that doesn’t mean the challenges I described above dont merit awareness, recognition, and attention.

He will break his toys on purpose and then expect us to buy him a new one. Even though we have told him if he breaks it on purpose, he can either use his tooth fairy money to buy a new one, or he won’t get one because we won’t replace it.


We don’t believe in physical discipline. He usually gets “grounded” from tv, or we take away toys, and he has to earn them back, etc. It doesn’t seem to really affect him, though. He has been mean to these other kids we have over occasionally for play dates (one child is his age and the other is just 2). He told these kids mom that he didn’t “like the baby and didn’t want her to come over anymore!” To this child’s parent! We were mortified! We talked to him and told him how rude it was, but he doesn’t understand what he’s doing is wrong.

As a 40-something senior officer with close to 20 years in the Navy I should have had an awareness of the stresses that were coming. But, to be honest, the jobs I’d done to get to where I was hadn’t really been that hard. Sure there were tough days and challenging situations, but there was always someone else to shoulder the heaviest burdens. There was always the Skipper. When things got really hard I knew I could go to him and he’d know the answer to “What should I do?” But now I’ve been that guy, and I have an over-due appreciation for the toll it takes.

To learn more about the algorithm behind the maze solver, or how to use Streamlit to create a friendly web interface using very few lines of Python code, check out Parts I and II of this series.

We try to lead by example and show what to do when he hurts someone’s feelings. For example, when my wife and I get in an argument or something, and I hurt her feelings, I’ll bring her flowers or make a nice gesture, etc. I usually take that time to explain to my son why I did those things.

We have tried to instill the fundamental meanings of being a good person like not lying, stealing is bad, bullying is never okay, giving back is important, apologizing when you mess up is how to be kind, etc. Still, none of it seems to be clicking!

That’s honestly the best way to explain it. My child is 6; my wife and I are a same-sex couple. I don’t know what we are doing wrong with him, but he has become a total asshole. He is an only child, so of course, he tends to get everything he wants within reason. We do this thing where he’s not allowed to get “just because of gifts/surprises” during the months of August-December because his bday is in September and then Christmas. So between January-July, he usually gets to get little surprises whenever we go out or if he’s been super, etc. So we try to make it where he doesn’t just “get get get” whenever he wants.

